
Hall Rates as at 01/08/2022

Note - Hourly Bookings are accepted on a whole hour basis only.

Main Hall:

Community/Non-business, £12.00 per hour.
Business/Commercial, £18.00 per hour.

Meeting room (Small Room):
Community/Non-business, £6.00 per hour.
Business/Commercial, £12.00 per hour.

Evening functions using whole facility (Hall available from 18.00 on day of booking. Key to be returned next day by 12:00 noon)

Community/Non-Business, £180.00
Business/Commercial, £300.00
Extra hours before 18:00 and after 12:00 noon chargeable at either £18.00 for Community/Non-Business or £30.00 for Business/Commercial


Wedding receptions (Hall available 12:00 noon day before wedding 'till 12:00 noon day after wedding)

Chargeable at £600.00.  Extra hours before or after these timescale are chargeable at £18.00 per hour.

Corporate Events (Hall available 12:00 noon day before corporate event ‘till 12:00 noon day after the corporate event)

Chargeable at £600.00.  Extra hours before or after these timescales are chargeable at £30.00 per hour.

The Deposit for Evening Events, Weddings and Corporate Events is £200.00. Commercial Bookings such as Comedy Nights, Performers etc may require a £300 deposit and a professional cleaning company must be employed to clear up afterwards within the booking time.  Contacts can be given for such companies but the responsibility for ensuring that the Hall has been left in a clean and tidy state still lies with the Hall Booker.  Both deposit and payment are required in advance with deposit being refunded after the event, provided the hall is left in a clean and tidy state.

Charitable Events are offered special rates, these rates have been revised and are dependant on the nature of the charity and event.  Information on the new rates can be seen by clicking here.  However it may be best to discuss this special rate with our bookings administrator contactable below.  

Booking can be made by contacting mobile number 07979238115 (please call during the hours of 09:00 am and 17:00 pm) or filling out the Booking form  on the Online Bookings page. 

It is important that the hirer checks that their entries on the website are correct and that cancellations are notified as soon as possible to allow for re-booking.

To download a copy of the Conditions of Hire click here: Conditions of Hire




Terms and Conditions of Hire

Applications and Payment for Hire

1.1 Application for Hire of the Hall for a party where alcohol will be consumed must be made by individuals over the age of 25. Applications for hire of the Hall must be made using the appropriate form with all the necessary information supplied. The period of hire should include any times when access is required to set up and take down equipment or arrange furniture etc. The Hirer will be responsible for setting up and taking down equipment. Use of the Hall is subject to confirmation of the hire from the Hall Board and adherence to all these conditions plus any additional terms that the Hall Board may impose to take account of the special nature of certain hires.

1.2 The Hall Association reserves the right for a member of the Board to attend during a hire to check confirmation of the booking and compliance with the conditions of let. Hirers must ensure that the named individual on the application form or a nominee notified in advance to the Hall Board is present throughout the hire period.

1.3 A deposit should be made where appropriate when confirmation of the hire has been received. Full payment will normally be required 14 days before the hire takes place. Failure to make payment on time may result in cancellation of the booking and will normally result in future applications being declined. Bookings made within 14 days of the required date require immediate payment. Block bookings will be invoiced for that block at the time that the booking form is received. Block booking payments should be made no later than 14 days of the first session occurring. Bookings will be taken and invoiced in one hour units ie 1.5 hours will be booked and invoiced as 2 hours, for example a booking taken for 11-12:30 will be invoiced for 11:00-13:00.

1.4 Bookings may be cancelled up to 14 days prior to the event without penalty. Bookings cancelled less than 14 days before the event will normally incur a charge of 50% of the hire cost. Bookings that have not been cancelled, even though the event does not take place, will normally result in the full hire cost being levied. Further bookings will not be accepted until all outstanding payments have been received.

1.5 The Hall Board will endeavour to ensure that the Hall is ready for use but will not accept any responsibility for any breakdown, leakage or damage that cannot be repaired before or during a hire. In such an event, and if the Hirer is not responsible in any way for the disruption, any money paid by the Hirer will be refunded.

1.6 The Hall Board reserves the right to refuse any application for use and to cancel a booking at any time but will only do so when it is considered necessary. In the event of cancellation, the Hall Board will refund any monies previously paid by the Hirer

1.7 In the event of inclement weather of any kind, the Hall Board is not responsible for any damage to persons or property whatsoever, and however caused, should the hirer decide to continue with the planned use of the Hall.

2. Statutory Requirements

2.1 Anyone hiring the Hall is responsible for checking any statutory duties pertaining to the event or activity they are organising and must comply with any such statutory duties, for example in relation to licensing, food hygiene and child protection. Hirers should be aware that there is no smoking on these premises at any time, the wall mounted cigarette bin should be used at all times when smoking outside. Hirers should also be aware that the Hall must be vacated by “1.00 am”.

3. Insurance

3.1 The Hall Association holds public liability insurance which covers the Association’s activities including hire of the Hall. Organisations hiring the Hall for events or activities may require their own legal liability insurances. Such organisations must be prepared to provide a copy of the insurance certificates if/when requested by the Board /Bookings Administrator.

4. Security of the Building

4.1 Hirers are responsible for receiving and returning keys as directed. Hirers must ensure that all doors and windows are secure before leaving the premises and that where possible the alarm is set before returning keys. The cost of making good any damage or loss that occurs as a result of hirers failing to secure the premises will normally be re-charged.

5. Supervision and Conduct of Users

5.1 The Hirer will be responsible for the conduct of all users during their periods of hire. This will include providing appropriate and adequate supervision. Failure to ensure proper supervision or complaints about the conduct of users may result in further applications being refused.

6. Equipment

6.1 There is no charge for Hall equipment used as part of a Hall hire. Approval from the Hall Board must be sought for the use of any additional equipment brought in by the Hirer for the periods of hire. Please note bouncy castles and inflatable equipment are not allowed.

6.2 The Hirer must seek advance permission from the Hall Board to leave/store items in the Hall and if such items are damaged or stolen, the Hall Board will not accept responsibility. Items left for storage should be labelled with the name of the Hirer.

7. Damage

7.1 Any damage to the premises or to fittings, furniture and equipment arising during a period of hire must be notified to the Hall Board immediately. Hirers will normally be held responsible for meeting the cost of repairing damage or replacing items that cannot be repaired.

8. Cleaning

8.1 The Hall Board will ensure that the Hall is in a clean and tidy condition prior to a period of hire. Hirers should ensure that the Hall is left in a clean and tidy condition after their use including the removal of any rubbish that cannot be contained in the receptacles outside the Hall. Any additional cleaning, which the Hall Board has to arrange as a result of the premises not being left clean and tidy, will be charged to the Hirer, plus the cost of any materials or equipment that have to be used. If the cleaning needs to be done by a professional cleaning company, the charges will be passed on to the Hirer.

8.2 Bins – all rubbish must be placed in bins provided according to designation i.e. glass, plastic etc. Any rubbish which cannot be disposed of in a designated bin must be taken away and disposed of elsewhere. Rubbish must not be left outside the designated bin whether that be inside the Hall or outside the Hall.

9. Emergencies

9.1 In the event of an emergency, hirers should notify the emergency services immediately and contact a member of the Hall Board as soon as possible.

10. Health and safety

10.1 At the beginning of each and every session, procedures in case of fire must be communicated to everybody in the Hall. Information should include locations of fire exits and fire extinguishers, and the need to keep fire exits clear at all times. The fire alarm is not connected to the fire station, so a call to the emergency services must be made directly. There is a telephone in the hall for this purpose located in the small meeting room and another in the kitchen. 

10.2 Visitors must observe the “No Entry” signs for their own safety.

10.3 No open flames are allowed at the Hall, other than birthday cake candles. Tealights, taper and cylinder candles will set off the fire alarms as well as constitute a fire hazard.

10.4 The number of users must not exceed any limit imposed by the Hall Board for particular hires and must never exceed the limit set by the Fire master which is 250 in a close seating arrangement. Recommended limit for a party with tables ie ceilidh/country/ballroom dancing is set at 140, recommended limit for a party with tables but general dancing is set at 160.

10.5 Emergency exits must be kept clear at all times and access to safety equipment such as fire extinguishers must be maintained.

11. Payment Payment should be made by BACS to Clydesdale Bank, Alford. Sort code 82-60-20 A/C number; 60550021 or by cheque made payable to “Tullynessle & Forbes Hall” and sent to . Alicia Murray,Springfield, 6 Bank Terrace, Alford, AB33 8TT

12. Information A range of information is available on the Association website, including the Association Health and Safety policy. www.tullynessleandforbeshall.co.uk. Hall risk assessments are available on request.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Tullynessle & Forbes Hall is a registered Charity which is run by a volunteer Board onto which any member of the public can be voted. It is not the role of the Board nor Hall staff to receive unpleasant aggressive dialogue neither verbally nor in email and any enquiry or booking submitted or perpetuated in this manner will be refused. The Board will, going forward, operate a zero-tolerance policy in this regard. The Board of Tullynessle & Forbes Hall is entirely made up of volunteers who give up considerable amounts of their own time in order to manage the Hall. We take our role as Trustees seriously and all actions are taken with the best interests in mind of not only the Hall itself but also the community which we serve. We always welcome new Trustees onto the Board in order to ensure that a wide viewpoint is available around the table and thus fair decisions are made. This includes making decisions which may or may not be viewed favourably by some. If you feel you have been unfairly treated on a Hall/Board matter you can bring this to the attention of the Chair or Vice Chair in writing

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